Rye Community Primary School

How We Spend Our Grants

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium grant is awarded to publicly funded schools in England in order to improve the attainment of disadvantaged students. Disadvantaged students include those currently receiving free school meals (FSM), those who have received free school meals in the last six years (Ever 6) and looked after children (LAC). The school also receives a Service Premium grant for any student with a parent currently serving in HM forces or is receiving a Ministry of Defence pension.

Schools use their discretion to spend their Pupil Premium grant because they are best-placed to assess their students’ barriers to learning within their local context. This information allows schools to decide the most effective strategies to employ to reduce the attainment gap between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium students.

At Rye Community Primary School, the funding is aimed at removing barriers to learning for disadvantaged students within the school and wider community. We are supporting vulnerable students to improve their attendance, mental health, engagement, low aspirations and low self-confidence. At the same time, we are developing our teaching and learning, targeting Pupil Premium students for additional support and providing course-specific materials to ensure that every student can achieve their best.

Our Pupil Premium strategy has been developed using the knowledge we have of our students and community alongside current evidence-based research. The strategy is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and its impact is reviewed regularly.

Rye Community Primary School is committed to ensuring that every child achieves their full potential, irrespective of their background or life circumstances.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statements 

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23

Sports Premium

The Sports Premium is given to schools so they can make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education (PE), physical activity and sport of offer.

Schools should use the premium to:

  • Develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport activities on offer;
  • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining in future years.

Schools can use the premium to secure improvements in the following indicators:

  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school;
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement;
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport;
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils;
  • Increased participation in competitive sport.

Raising attainment in primary school swimming:

The premium can also be used to fund the professional development and training that are available to train staff to support high quality swimming and water safety lessons for their pupils.

Sports Premium Strategy Statements

Sports Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23

Sports Premium Strategy Statement 2021/22